Shopping Stress Almeria
Today was a bit hectic day. There were too many things to do before we left Almeria – Shopping Stress Almeria.For example, they wanted a new logbook for us on the ship, but unfortunately Almeria didn’t have the quality we…
Today was a bit hectic day. There were too many things to do before we left Almeria – Shopping Stress Almeria.For example, they wanted a new logbook for us on the ship, but unfortunately Almeria didn’t have the quality we…
Something funny on the side:many have already asked for the name – and how to come up with such a funny one : it’s very simple. When we started to realize our dream and made more and more preparations and…
Wir kommen wieder – Rundtörn Ibiza und Formentera. Viel gesehen und erlebt, die schönsten Buchten und wenn mal die Winde drehen – fährt man einfach auf die andere Seite der doch kleinen Insel. Es gibt nur einen Wehmutstropfen – leider…