desire to travel
Wind and weather determine our timetable. Safety always comes before fun. We can therefore offer you a recording on board at a certain time, or at a certain place.
We make sure that we are on land in time so that you can reach the airport and your plane home, possibly by public transport. Shortly after your arrival on the ship, you will receive detailed instructions from us. We will show you everything you need to know and inform you about how we handle manoeuvres
The ship will be provisioned by Christian before your arrival. The cuisine on board is based on what the respective country has to offer and is as fresh and varied as possible. Fish and meat are on our menu. Please let us know if you want to do without it.
Please let us know a few days before your arrival if there is something to eat that you don’t want to miss during your vacation. By the way, there are always enough sweets on board. Thank Sarah. Food you brought with you must disembark with you if it is not consumed during the trip.
There is alcohol on board. Enjoyment should of course not be missing. However, we do not want alcohol to be consumed while sailing. We like to toast together when the anchor is set or the ship is safely moored in the harbour.
We will ask you for a contribution towards expenses. This is calculated based on the cost of the destination country and the expenses to take you on board. It includes board and lodging on the ship, diesel, as well as the port places on your arrival and departure.
We stay in bays whenever the weather permits. Port fees put a strain on our budget. However, if our guests wish, we can moor in the port, the costs must then be borne by our guests. We discuss extraordinary “events”, such as visits to nature reserves where moorings are used, in advance and share the costs